EMDR is a method that is particularly suitable for working with traumatic experiences.

  • it helps contemporary resources and experiences to be transferred and applied to the trauma
  • it matches intensity and pace to the individual
  • it is based on the individual’s inner processes and associations

and is thus an effective and gentle method based on natural internal processes.

When a human trauma is activated, it is experienced so unpleasantly and intensely that you just want to get away from the pain, and you don’t get to process the content of the experience. It just runs like an inner movie. EMDR supports the individual to use their own healing abilities and to transfer contemporary reason and experience to process and open the knot of the traumatic experience inside. At the same time, the method is distinguished by being very little linguistic.

Psychologist Jan Rimer offers EMDR as part of the treatment to those residents who need it.

The problem of dealing with trauma.

In our daily lives, we use the brain to think in general and to deal with the stress we experience, so that we can regulate our emotions and our self-perception. When we experience trauma, our own ability to cope is often disrupted, and the trauma experience can be stored in our consciousness in a way that makes it much harder to use our normal, otherwise well-functioning processing abilities. Even if we know that a traumatic event took place a long time ago, it becomes impossible for us to think about it without the feelings and other sensations being reactivated as we experienced them at the time the event took place.

It is also common for us to develop a negative mindset about ourselves when dealing with the trauma, such as “it’s my fault” or “I’m worthless”. These negative thoughts about ourselves can also affect the way we think and feel in other situations………. You can read more about EMDR here http://www.emdr.dk/Hvad-er-EMDR.aspx