HBmodel – Heart and Brain
Gives clients maximum influence over their own treatment and development.
Want to know more?
Vision of life
We believe that individuals have good intentions in relation to their own lives and in relation to the people they care about – and that each of us ‘deep down’ possesses a sense that helps us to choose what is good for us.
We behind the HB model have many years of clinical experience working with all types of substances and people from many different backgrounds.
Our experience is that people know what is good for them. Especially when they are comfortable, at ease, and genuinely looking inward and interested in knowing what they need to do. An appreciative, safe and supportive environment naturally underpins this inner personal ‘guidance’. So will an open, respectful and reflective interaction between staff and citizen.
This also applies to the group of people to whom ‘negative’ intentions and characteristics are often attributed. For example, drug addicts, anti-social, criminals and people with aggressive behaviour. Circumstances and beliefs may “stifle” or complicate this recognition, but that doesn’t change the fact that each of us is the closest to knowing ourselves.
It is this experience, and realisation, that has led us to develop the HB model. We have decided to stand by our belief in human nature, in a more radical and contextual way than traditionally done, in order to harness the resources of the individual.
Good Danish addiction treatment, developed in Denmark by Danish therapists.
Effective day treatment – day treatment and outpatient treatment.
Since 2019, the entire staff group has been involved in the development of the HB model at Alfa.
This process has created an even better treatment environment. With much more focus on health, mindfulness and psychology than before.
If you would like to know more about enrolment, click here

Let us help
If you need help to cope with an addiction or if you need help for a relative, please contact us anonymously.
What is the HB model?
The HB model is Alfa-Fredensborg’s offer of a holistic treatment concept with method, health programme and workbooks. The model has been developed by Danish addiction workers with many years of experience in Danish addiction treatment.
The HB model believes that the best results are achieved when a holistic, individual approach is provided, with diverse treatment services from health, social and psychotherapeutic professionals. This is partly because addiction is a lifestyle issue and is closely related to our social life and personality.
Cooperation is key
It is a prerequisite for the treatment that interaction and close cooperation are established between the citizens and the therapists. In this way, the citizen and the therapist can together delimit, define and prioritise the problems to be worked on. In addition to psychological and physical dependence, this may include addiction-related problems such as the need for support in (re)establishing social networks. This is to prevent isolation and loneliness, as well as psychological, personal, health and social problems.
The citizen will, in collaboration with Alfa’s staff, have a treatment plan made that makes sense for the individual. Alfa-Fredensborg’s ambition with the HB model is to meet the individual in an equal relationship, involve the unique personality and strengthen his motivation and self-esteem in the process.
The HB model – developed by Alfa
is a development and treatment model. A model where the citizen builds his own treatment, based on the individual’s self-understanding, dreams, current challenges and wishes for change. In our experience, this creates motivation, new opportunities and potential for change.
takes the citizen as its starting point and incorporates the citizen’s knowledge of himself into a comprehensive development and treatment plan. The citizen has his/her own experience of how he/she has solved problems in the past. What worked and what didn’t (the latter is perhaps the most important). With this knowledge, the citizen’s experience is brought into play. Relevant treatment activities can thus be built from the available interventions in the model. And thereby form a foundation for the citizen’s unique treatment plan.
for the HB model is to have ‘unconditional’ acceptance of the citizen, and to take as a starting point the individual’s self-image and self-understanding. This motivates, strengthens self-esteem and creates a good process.
At the same time
it is crucial that the knowledge and resources that exist outside the individual citizen are brought into the process, without undermining the citizen’s integrity and sovereignty. This is done through the various treatment activities and the structure of the treatment.
and this is a very crucial element of a weekly conversation. The citizen is still the “captain”, but the therapists’ observations of the citizen during the past week and open reflections of relevance to the the citizen’s treatment plan is included. The fact that practitioners are engaged with, and actively interact with, citizens is an important part of the HB model. The form is not that of the expert, but of the helper who will inspire and support. The aim is to ensure that each citizen is able to achieve their goals in the reality in which they live.
Already on arrival at Alfa-Fredensborg, the citizen can choose interventions according to his own ideas of “what can I do?” “what do I want?” “what do I believe in regarding treatment?” and ” what do I need?”.
Under the descriptions of the Actions, it will be indicated that there are ‘Shell Actions’ and ‘Self-Selected Actions’. It is an important part of the HB model that the citizen’s plan is reviewed regularly when evaluating the treatment plan. This will ensure that the citizen’s plan is always optimised on the way to the goal and follows the citizen’s development.
When citizens draw up their plan, the treatment plan provided becomes part of the goal being worked towards.
The HB model serves as a practical model for creating change through user involvement. The citizen chooses the actions (treatment activities) that will be the basis of a personal development and treatment plan.
In practice, the citizen is handed a pile of physical interventions, indicating the area they cover – for example with the text “Investigation”, “Consultation with psychologist”, “Lunch” or “Training”.
The visual aspect is therefore of great importance to the individual – in our experience, it gives the citizen a good overview of the content, and it is easy to change the plan by replacing interventions.