Addiction treatment at Alfa Fredensborg

News from the addiction treatment May 21

Alfa newsletter May 2021

“Do you remember what you said to your caseworker when you wanted to go into day treatment?”

The question could have been taken from a conversation with a citizen at Alfa-Fredensborg. Previously, addiction treatment was something with restrictions and consequences if the client did not do as agreed.

Today, addiction treatment is (thankfully) something else entirely. At Alfa we have introduced the HB model. A model that has innovated addiction treatment, and it has meant better treatment and happier people.

Back to the example: If one day a citizen does not have energy or experience of success in a group, we will never dictate attendance, but instead ask non-judgmental questions that activate positive reflection and response.

In the above example, the question would therefore be:

“Do you remember what you said to your caseworker when you wanted to go into day treatment? How does staying in your room support that wish? Is there anything else you can do that will get you closer to your wish?”

If the citizen is having a really bad day, we will always start by asking them what they can do to feel better right now. And the interesting thing is that they always have a sensible answer.

The Heartand Brainmodel is based on the premise that the best results are achieved when a holistic approach is taken, with the citizen’s wishes at the centre. We have combined the best of research, professional knowledge and practice experience from different treatment areas – both health and social professional as well as therapeutic.

We can already see the result of the effort, which is basically a much less conflictual and a more secure environment for both citizens and staff.

Focus on own abilities

The HB model focuses on the citizen’s own abilities and responsibility. In short, it is a model that believes that the citizen knows what is right for them and what stands in the way of their well-being and health. They just need to be helped on their way. The model does this by. by undertaking social daily activities and thereby gaining general life skills. In addition, there are talks, group sessions, workshops, yoga/mindfulness, EMDR, and psychological/therapeutic courses.

The freedom of the model means that programmes can be tailored to individual needs, so that clients who need more psychologist hours get them, while others have other needs.
No one grows when they are stuffed into a box and told what to do. But when you meet a person with confidence and give them an opportunity they can create themselves, you will see growth. It’s almost guaranteed.

24-hour guard – outside office hours

Often our citizens need us outside normal opening hours. Recognising an addiction and reaching out for help is not something that can be planned. That is why it is important that we are available when needed. We are there in the evening, at night, at weekends and during holidays. Christmas Eve too, in fact.

Corona has been closed all over the country, but not Alfa. We implemented our own testing routines early on and have naturally complied with all Health Authority guidelines.

Colony and the self-loving choices

Now we enjoy the country opening up more. Like at Whitsun, where we went on a colony with all Alfa’s friends, their partners and children and had fun with board games, excursions and therapy meetings.
When you let go of an addiction, life has to be rebuilt. Here, healthy relationships and activities are a necessity.

To achieve something new, you have to do something new. And letting go of an addiction is unfortunately not enough in itself for a new self-loving life. It takes oceans of healthy decisions and good choices – and these are much easier to make and put into practice when you’re together about it and feel how positive life can be.

Alfa Fredensborg has 20 years of experience

Recognition from the Ministry of the Elderly and Health

We are fortunate to start this cold spring with a great recognition from the Ministry of Health in the form of grant funds for our parallel gambling addiction project.

The money means that we can continue our treatment for the next two years and help even more people to be free of their gambling addiction. Addiction is an addiction like any other, but it takes something special to kick it.

That’s why we’re dedicating the next newsletter to gambling addiction, so you can learn a lot more about what it is, what it does and how we treat it.

Thank you for reading

Remember that at Alfa we also always offer free help to relatives.

At AlfaRehab we offer outpatient and day treatment and at Alfa-Fredensborg we offer day treatment.

A constellation that allows us to offer day treatment citizens a shorter stay at Alfa-Fredensborg, so it feels more manageable to start the new life they have decided on.

Nobody wants to be an addict. We help.

Contact us here

Want to know more about our addiction treatment?

You are always welcome to contact us without obligation.

The phone is open around the clock and you can always send us a message here.