Day treatment
For alcohol or drug abuse at Alfa Fredensborg
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What is Residential Treatment at Alfa Fredensborg?
We offer residential treatment to all drug or alcohol abusers over the age of 18.
We use coaching, CBT and solution-focused therapy as a model of change and primary treatment tool in our addiction treatment. The problem-solving therapy groups, workshops and stress reduction to Yoga and Mindfulness will create a close-knit treatment offer that suits just you, together with the psychological consultations. Alcohol treatment is not so different from e.g. treatment of gambling addiction or 24-hour treatment of cocaine. The underlying reasons for abuse may be identical, but the choice of substance or behaviour is unique to individuals.
Compared to outpatient alcohol treatment and outpatient cannabis treatment, residential treatment is significantly more effective and intensive.
We offer help for relatives
The family and relatives are involved in your treatment during admission and we recommend that this networking continues during the subsequent outpatient treatment.
The family of a cannabis user is exactly the same as the family of a user of other drugs. They both need the experience of others. The advice they can get from the therapist, the group and each other. They can also get help with the first difficult conversation that motivates an addict to seek residential treatment at Alfa-Fredensborg.
Read also: free relatives group, every second Wednesday or Saturday in Copenhagen.
The experience of day treatment
Receiving addiction treatment and acute alcohol treatment in residential treatment for alcohol or drug addiction at Alfa-Fredensborg is like staying in a hotel and being in addiction treatment at the same time. The participant will experience a structured everyday life around the clock where they will get good advice and learn from the experiences of others.
In an addiction centre like ours, the days are spent in therapy, education and socialising with the other residents.
To alleviate the feeling of over-powerfulness and give residents the opportunity to show that they can take responsibility, we work with a treatment concept based on the concept of “freedom under responsibility”. Just look at our rules.
See prices for: Alcohol treatment and addiction treatment
Get help now
Do you need help or are you a relative?
Call us on 48 40 40 60 for help with detox and treatment.

We offer treatment for a wide range of addictions
Important to know if you are going into residential treatment
Almost everyone who comes to Alfa-Fredensborg for addiction treatment has tried to stop using alcohol or drugs themselves, but they have not been able to do it alone.
That’s why they opt for 24-hour detox or detoxification to begin with. At Alfa-Fredensborg you are not alone with your problems around the clock. Our professional staff, some of them sober alcoholics themselves, and friendly residents will help you through your treatment when it’s difficult. Staff are trained to counsel relatives and help if there are children of alcoholics, or other addictions involved.
The family atmosphere in the house means that you, as a new resident, will quickly settle down and become comfortable, all day long.
Read also: Going into residential treatment
The community in a residential treatment
You all have the same goal in coming to treatment: to become drug-free or free from dependence on alcohol and to have a meaningful life, without the chaos you had when you came. You are all very different people with different stories, feelings and experiences. The only thing you have in common is that you “solve” your problems with drugs or alcohol.
We help you find new solutions to the problems you face by offering stress reduction, therapy, counselling and a treatment environment where personal development and respect for the individual are paramount.
Call our alcohol hotline now on phone 48 40 40 60 or contact us via the contact form.
See also useful links to : Information for relatives of addicts
In residential treatment you are not alone

Methodology in Alfa-Fredensborg’s residential treatment and addiction treatment
Therapy and individual counselling
Together with our therapists, social worker and psychiatrist, an individual treatment plan is drawn up for the resident. These are often complex mental, physical and social problems that require a holistic approach.
At our rehab centre, we use Motivational Interviewing (MI) , understood as a counselling style that aims to strengthen the citizen’s own motivation to make changes. In this way, the citizen’s overall situation is taken into account from several professional angles, and a process that makes sense for the citizen is created.
Read more: Alcohol rehabilitation at Alfa Fredensborg
Research from the National Board of Health and Welfare shows that MI can be the first step towards the citizen achieving an effect from his or her treatment programme, as MI increases the likelihood that the citizen will show up for the subsequent treatment session.
Through AlfaRehab we have an internally trained MI instructor who teaches all relevant staff in the organisation.
The start of the subsequent outpatient alcohol treatment is planned in the individual treatment plan. Your therapist will make sure your plan is good and realistic so you can keep living well even after treatment ends.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic approach that supports people in changing negative and inappropriate thoughts, feelings and actions. At Alfa-Fredensborg, the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy are at the heart of therapeutic sessions and problem-solving group therapy. Together, these approaches make for good treatment, whether it’s inpatient or outpatient.
The cognitive approach allows you to explore your thoughts, feelings and actions. In this way you will become more aware of how it is that some problems in your life come up again and again.
Research published by the Danish Social Welfare Agency shows that CBT also reduces abuse in people in residential treatment.
Useful links
Read more about: How to help an alcoholic.
Read also: How to get alcohol treatment if you live in Copenhagen
We treat several types of abuse
Sober alcoholics benefit from each other in treatment for alcohol abuse. The advice given to the relatives of an alcoholic is the same as that given to the relatives of a cocaine addict. There is not much difference between the underlying reasons and the mental disorders that sometimes exist. The Swedish Patient Safety Board supervises together with the Danish Social Security Agency, so whether you are in day treatment or outpatient, the quality is top notch. Relatives of a cocaine addict will experience a very hectic family member who has an excessive spending habit. On the other hand, treatment for cocaine abuse is associated with fewer withdrawal symptoms than treatment for alcohol abuse.
Treatment for cannabis abuse can result in 10-14 days of troubled dreams and irritability. This is remedied with a structured everyday life, psychotherapy and medical treatment. Many of the withdrawal symptoms may resemble mental disorders, but it is important to say that they will pass. If you are a relative of a cannabis user, you will have experienced major mood swings and a tendency to put off almost everything indefinitely.
Children of alcoholics and other addicts will often be labeled by those family members with an addiction to alcohol, or other intoxicants. Often, it is the children who are best able to motivate an addict to seek inpatient or outpatient treatment. The relatives of an addict are very important for the addict to accept the treatment offer.
Treatment for ludomania and treatment for cocaine addiction are very similar. Many addicts also have other addictions and will often need residential treatment at Alfa-Fredensborg.
Frequently asked questions about day treatment
What is day treatment?
Residential treatment is when you need help with your addiction outside your own home. You therefore receive treatment in a residential treatment centre for a given period of time and this form is called residential treatment and is often used for addiction treatment and acute alcohol treatment.
Will I get sick during my taper?
No, you will be gently tapered by healthcare professionals who are specialists in tapering and tapering. The therapy, medication and stress-reduction treatment mean that you will hardly feel any withdrawal.
Can you go out when you are in treatment?
You won’t find this at Alfa Fredensborg. At Alfa you are welcome to walk around Fredensborg town to buy necessities and see the beautiful surroundings of Esrum lake and the castle. You can keep your phone throughout the course and you are welcome to bring your computer. It is important for us that you feel free and comfortable during your stay, so the day treatment works much better.
Are you detained when you are in treatment?

Get professional help for addiction
We offer round-the-clock help for alcohol rehabilitation as well as drug rehabilitation.
If you are a relative of an alcoholic, a cocaine addict or someone who is addicted to other substances, do not hesitate to contact us if you need help with the first difficult conversation to get them into alcohol treatment, residential treatment or other addiction treatment. Then call our alcohol hotline. We are here to advise relatives of all types of abuse.