Alfa Fredensborg has 20 years of experience

Alfa has 20 years of experience in residential drug treatment

Efficient and professional help!

Residential drug treatment in a quiet, private oasis in North Zealand. At Alfa, we have over 20 years of experience while constantly innovating to match our addiction treatment with reality.

We focus on cause, therapy and a holistic view of humanity that values and respects who you are.

Residential care and self-responsibility

At Alfa, our treatment is planned based on trust in our clients. Of course, we require drug freedom, but otherwise we do not have many rules and regulations.

We ask many questions, make many offers and follow you closely, but we don’t decide for you. It’s your life, your choices, opt-outs, future or not.

Specifically, we help you get clean by setting up the perfect environment – but you do the work. We don’t believe that you will be ready for life outside residential treatment if we do the work for you.

Temptation is everywhere – and if you really want something, you’ll make it happen, no matter where you are. So you need to make the choices that are right for you – now and in the long term.

Alfa Fredensborg has 20 years of experience

Residential drug treatment

Residential treatment is a form of treatment for both alcohol addicts and people suffering from drug addiction. When you are in residential treatment, you live in the treatment centre where you also receive treatment.

At Alfa, this treatment consists of therapy, problem-solving groups, relapse prevention therapy, psychological sessions, psychiatric sessions, therapy meetings, daily chores and everything else. Our psychiatrists will help with your medication or if you need substitution medication.

As one of the few residential treatment centres, we also offer residential treatment for dual diagnosis.

Residential care and pets

Many drug addicts have a pet and this alone can make it almost impossible to imagine a residential treatment stay.

But at Alfa Fredensborg you are welcome to bring your pet if it behaves well.

We understand that you don’t want to be away from your best friend and we would never ask that of you.

Substance abuse, stress and residential treatment

Many of the clients we have in residential treatment have suffered from drug addiction for several years before coming to us.

They are usually indescribably stressed, and the stress alone has worsened their condition enormously. That’s why we focus so much on stress in our residential treatment. Focus on why you became an addict, what stressed you, how you dealt with the stress and what you should and can do going forward.

We offer both yoga and mindfulness, as both are relaxing and de-stressing. The nervous system becomes calm and you can learn to create this state yourself with training.

Stress is a condition that does a lot of damage and much more than most people think. If you go to residential treatment for drug addiction, it is therefore extremely important that you go somewhere where you will not be more stressed.

No one can make huge life changes if they are stressed. That’s why a big part of our day treatment is also learning about both the brain and the nervous system, so you get to know yourself, your reaction patterns and why you do what you do.

Room in day treatment at Alfa Fredensborg

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You are always welcome to contact us without obligation.

The phone is open around the clock and you can always send us a message here.