RecoveryYoga and stress management

To regain balance in your body and in your mind

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RecoveryYoga in addiction treatment at Alfa

At Alfa we are lucky to have AB who does yoga, mindfulness and health counselling. Residents (and everyone else) can find videos on this page to help them maintain their good development and stress management.

Stress management as an element of drug treatment has been shown to be enormously effective!

Recovery Yoga aims to encourage, support and motivate people to regain balance in their body and mind.

Recovery Yoga provides concrete FREE tools to promote health and prevent stress.

Alfa’s offer to people with alcoholism or drug addiction who need addiction treatment is unique. We offer a healthcare model that is not available anywhere else in the country. This type of treatment is holistic with a high degree of user involvement.

Get help now

Do you need help or are you a relative?

Call us on 48 40 40 60 for help with detox and treatment.

Stress management and yoga at Alfa Fredensborg

Mini Yoga Nidra Dream Journey

Here you can sit back and enjoy AB’s relaxing voice on a mini dream trip.

Long Yoga Nidra Dream Journey

Here’s a longer dream trip. Dream journeys are valuable stress reduction tools that can give you a whole new perspective on your life and your challenges.

Breathing 1 + 2

Oxygenating your body optimally and being attentive to your breathing will make it much easier to complete your course of treatment. You’ll get through withdrawals more easily, calming your nervous system and nourishing your body’s cells with oxygen, so you have the physical surplus it takes to deal with yourself and your new life.

Breathing 3 + 4

As you continue into phases 3 and 4 you begin to change your breathing in earnest because you are adding counting to your breath. The 4-4-6-2 Count optimises the oxygenation of your body and communicates with the restorative part of your nervous system. The long exhale through your nose, counting to 6 inside, calms your nervous system and your body and it is felt from the first count.

Mindful powernap in 16 min

Guided body scanning and focusing on your breath gradually leads you into a greater presence and pure being. You can listen to the playback if you need to relax during the day. Especially in the afternoon, we may need to shift gears from pure doing and activity to pure being. These 16 minutes of focusing on your body and your breath can also clear your mind of worries before you go to sleep.

Morning Program 1

Get a great start to the day and go through this morning programme before you face the day. Then you will have more energy and surplus for the day’s adventures.

Tomorrow program 2

If you’re one of the tough ones, you can continue your morning routine with these exercises. You can also choose to do exercises 1 and 2 every other day for variety. Then you will have more energy and surplus for the day’s adventures.

Peace of mind and body

A detailed body scan invites you to release tension and thoughts and feel deep calm and rest in your body. You are invited to feel the wave of your breath in your body. Have fun 🙂

Listen to your heart

Your heart rhythm can affect your brain and your emotions. 67% of your heart is nerve cells. 40,000 sensory nerve cells in your heart provide your brain with information that affects the release of hormones in your body.

What is Yoga really good for?

Watch this video which explains all the benefits of Yoga quite well.

Stress Management and Recovery Yoga

At Alfa Fredensborg, which is a residential institution for people with addictions, we have the HB Model.

The HB model aims to clarify, support and motivate people who have different challenges with addiction. The HB model takes a recovery-oriented approach to users, who help to plan their own course of treatment. The treatment process is built around individual reflections on and changes to the areas of the health model.

Mindfulness as a tool

Recovery Yoga’s yoga teaching, breathing practice, mindfulness and meditation are used as a supportive tool for the users at Alfa in their work with stress management and the HB model of health and development.

When users start to stretch their bodies and open them up, they will automatically open up more to their environment and this will support them in their personal health and treatment process at Alfa.

Stress management has a positive effect in treatment

When users start to reach out and discover that their bodies can do more than they thought, it will have a ripple effect on their approach to tasks and future plans.

We already have a lot of experience with this spillover effect on users’ treatment at Alfa. Users say they are more open and brave for problem-solving group therapy that starts right after morning yoga.

Users who go for a psychological consultation after the morning yoga report significantly calmer bodies during the subsequent consultation and our psychologists see the same. We have even sometimes used individual yoga before psychology sessions for the same reason.

Good teaching and Yoga Nidra

When our therapists teach emotion, thought and stress management in workshops and users can go to mindfulness or meditation afterwards, it completes the message of the workshop in a very concrete way.

When our therapists teach the user to create the good life in the form of vision board training, it completes the message when the users can subsequently engage in mindfulness and be guided in a yoga nidra, which is a dream journey towards the new life, distorted by their own and others’ opinions of what they are able to create.

Stress management and yoga at Alfa Fredensborg
“I came on Alfa, and probably wasn’t quite ready to go for total abstinence.

After a small relapse, I realised how much I needed it and decided to go all in.

As a result, I completed 3 months with enormous benefits, good friends and equipped for the future”.

(Former resident)