Danish champion in saunagus
At Alfa-Fredensborg, saunagus is part of the therapy. However, saunas are not part of the compulsory treatment programme, but are offered to all residents.
Of course, we have a master of ceremonies on staff – and it’s not just anyone. Our sauna master is Brian and he is a former Danish champion in sauna.
Therapy for body and mind
Saunagus is a popular way to create instant relaxation and is a kind of therapy for mind and body. It uses aesthetic oils that are heated and do a lot of good. It is said that the oils have both a cleansing and relaxing effect on the body and mind when combined with the heat of the sauna.

Scent Therapy
Smells are associated with memories and in this way they also affect the brain’s limbic system. That is, it is our emotions and thoughts that are influenced by the limbic system.
The master distributes the heat with a towel so that it doesn’t get too hot and together with the scents, it can almost be described as scent therapy.
It is also the cast master who selects, combines and doses the oils. This provides an amazing experience of well-being and relaxation.
Never two same saunagus
Most often, there are several people in the sauna and a trained sauna master. The master of the house is in charge of the session, so no two saunas are ever quite the same.
At Alfa Fredensborg, Brian is our master of sauna and he is the former Danish champion in saunagus. That’s probably why it’s so popular with us.
Most often, three sets are run in the sauna, which will increase in intensity and heat. The different sets are interrupted by short breaks to allow for hydration and cooling.
Several of our clients report that they often sleep very well in the evening after a round of sauna.

Interested in learning more about residential treatment?
You are always welcome to contact us without obligation – our phone is open around the clock. Call us or send us a message in our contact form.